Wednesday, 21 December 2011

ends of the day

from sun rise to sun set on the shortest day of the year

its good to take a moment

to calm the mind from the chaos that is a florist shop at Christmas

have a lovely evening

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

lighting is everything

its been busy - very busy

which is fantastic

but it was nice to have the time to photograph this job

every year we decorate this house and this year they asked for something a bit wilder

the sun shone at just the right moment to get some great shadow shots

tomorrow its back to weddings

Monday, 12 December 2011

where did you get that hat?

"Where did you get that hat? Where did you get that tile?

Isn't it a nobby one, and just the proper style?

I should like to have one Just the same as that!"

Where'er I go, they shout "Hello!

Where did you get that hat?"